Healthy Growth and Development Program Standard
This page summarizes how the Core Indicator Project supports the Ontario Public Health Standards' (OPHS) Healthy Growth and Development Program Standard. The page captures both currently available indicators as well as identified gaps with the intention of improving OPHS topic coverage over time.
The Core Indicators Project OPHS Alignment framework has four stages:
- Each OPHS program standard has a webpage to outline the availability of relevant Core Indicators products.
- Each topic area named within the program standard has an alignment table to list current indicator availability and to identify where more work is needed.
- Within each topic area table, the rows represent the four categories of population health information identified in the Population Health Assessment and Surveillance (PHAS) protocol, namely: Population, Health Status, Behavioural Factors and Environmental Factors.
- Within each topic area table, the columns represent the possible Core Indicators Products along a spectrum of indicator availability, from Core Indicators, to Model Indicators, to Indicator Gaps, to Data Gaps.
Core Indicators Topic Alignment Tables
Healthy Pregnancies
Model Indicators None identified. |
Indicator Gaps None identified. |
Model Indicators None identified. |
Data Gaps None identified. |
Behavioural Factors Core Indicators Smoking during Pregnancy Alcohol and Substance Exposures during Pregnancy Folic Acid Supplementation |
Model Indicators None identified. |
Environmental Factors Core Indicators None identified. |
Model Indicators None identified. |
Reproductive Outcomes
Population Core Indicators None identified. |
Model Indicators None identified. |
Data Gaps None identified. |
Health Status Core Indicators None identified. |
Model Indicators None identified. |
Indicator Gaps None identified. |
Data Gaps None identified. |
Indicator Gaps None identified. |
Environmental Factors Core Indicators None identified. |
Model Indicators None identified. |
Growth and Development
Coming soon...
... the Core Indicators Project alignment table for Growth and Development has yet to be developed.
Preparation for Parenting
Coming soon...
... the Core Indicators Project alignment table for Preparation for Parenting has yet to be developed.
Positive Parenting
Coming soon...
... the Core Indicators Project alignment table for Positive Parenting has yet to be developed.
Healthy Sexuality
Coming soon...
... This topic area will be outlined under the Chronic Disease Prevention and Well-Being Program Standard.
Mental Health Promotion
Coming soon...
... This topic area will be outlined under the Chronic Disease Prevention and Well-Being Program Standard.
Oral Health
Coming soon...
... This topic area will be outlined under the School Health Program Standard.
Visual Health
Coming soon...
... This topic area will be outlined under the School Health Program Standard.
Key Data Sources
Relevant OPHS Requirements
Program Outcomes
- Goal: To achieve optimal preconception, pregnancy, newborn, child, youth, parental, and family health.
- The board of health is aware of and uses data to influence and inform the development of local healthy public policy and its programs and services related to achieving optimal preconception, pregnancy, newborn, child, youth, parental, and family health.
- Board of health programs and services are designed to address the identified needs of the community, including priority populations, associated with healthy growth and development.
- There is a decrease in health inequities related to healthy growth and development.
Healthy Growth and Development Program Standard
- Requirement #1: The board of health shall collect and analyze relevant data to monitor trends over time, emerging trends, priorities, and health inequities related to healthy growth and development and report and disseminate the data and information in accordance with the Population Health Assessment and Surveillance Protocol, 2018 (or as current).
- Requirement #2: The board of health shall develop and implement a program of public health interventions using a comprehensive health promotion approach to support healthy growth and development in the health unit population.
a) The program of public health interventions shall be informed by: - i. An assessment of risk and protective factors that influence healthy growth and development.
- iv. An assessment of local needs.
- v. Evidence of the effectiveness of the interventions.
Healthy Growth and Development Program Standard
Required Approaches
- Item 6.2. Public Health Program Planning Cycle Boards of health shall use a public health program planning cycle to support evidence informed decision-making related to the development and implementation of a program of public health interventions to support healthy growth and development in the health unit population.
- Item 6.2 sub-bullet: Consideration of Key public health and content-specific frameworks and related concepts:
- The Population Health Promotion Model
- Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion
- Social-Ecological Model of Health
- Key Public Health Concepts, including: upstream approach; proportionate universality; strength-based approach; life course approach; intersectional approach; and population health impact pyramid.
- Harvard’s Early Childhood Policies and Programs Framework
- Key Content-Specific Concepts, including: developmental assets; and person-and-family-centred care.
- Item 6.2 sub-bullet: Identification of key settings, partners and priority populations, which may vary by healthy growth and development topic and local context.
- Item 6.2 sub-bullet: Identification of key healthy growth and development topics, based on an assessment of local need.
Healthy Growth and Development Guideline

Preconception Health
Core Indicators
Crude Birth RateModel Indicators
None identified.
Indicator Gaps
Data Gaps
Percentage of women, by age group, trying to get pregnant LGBTQ PopulationHealth Status
Core Indicators
None identified.
Model Indicators
None identified.
Indicator Gaps
Add preconception piece to existing core indicators for ages 15-49: Smoking Status; Drinking in Excess of LRDG; Leisure-time Physical Activity; Adult Body Mass Index; Vegetable and Fruit Consumption; Number of Sexual Contacts; Depression Prevalence; Self-perceived Work Stress; Self-perceived Life Stress; Infectious Disease Incidence; and Pelvic Inflammatory Disease MorbidityData Gaps
Infertility RateOral Health StatusBehavioural Factors
Core Indicators
Folic Acid SupplementationModel Indicators
None identified.
Indicator Gaps
None identified.
Data Gaps
Use of Assistive Reproductive TherapiesEnvironmental Factors
Core Indicators
None identified.
Model Indicators
None identified.
Indicator Gaps
None identified.
Data Gaps
Awareness of Community Health ServicesExperience of (Domestic) Violence