Monthly COVID-19 Epi Calls
Published on Thursday, 8 April, 2021
- January 19, 2024

2020 APHEO Executive Committee
Published on Thursday, 14 November, 2019
In follow up to the Annual General Meeting announcement, we are pleased to reveal the 2020 Executive Committee:
Position |
Member |
Health unit |
President |
Suzanne Fegan |
KFL&A Public Health |
Vice President |
Jordan Robson |
Algoma Public Health |
Treasurer |
Erica Sawula |
Thunder Bay District Health Unit |
Secretary |
Ainslie Butler |
Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit |
alPHa rep |
Sarah Collier |
Toronto Public Health |
OPHA rep |
Suzanne De Haney |
Eastern Ontario Health Unit |
Member-at-large |
Heather Pimbert |
York Region Public Health Services |
Past President |
Jessica Deming |
Region of Waterloo Public Health and Emergency Services |
Thanks to all that participated in the nomination process and a special thanks to Hilary Caldarelli and Rob Barnett for their contributions as members of the nomination committee.

2018 APHEO Conference and workshop - presentation slides now available
Published on Wednesday, 19 December, 2018
The presentation slides from the 2018 APHEO Conference and Workshop have been posted to the conference webpage. Thank you to all who participated in and attended this year's conference!
Your APHEO 2018 Conference Planning Committee,
Mackenzie Slifierz, Lydia Cheng, Tim Chisamore, Jessica Deming, Stanley Ing, Po-Po Lam, James Macintosh, Kelsie Near, Saamir Pasha

2019 APHEO Executive Committee
Published on Wednesday, 28 November, 2018
In follow up to the Annual General Meeting announcement, we are pleased to reveal the 2019 Executive Committee:
Titles |
Health unit |
President |
Stanley Ing |
Chatham-Kent Public Health |
Vice President |
Jessica Deming |
Region of Waterloo Public Health and Emergency Services |
Treasurer |
Lydia Cheng |
Peel Public Health |
Secretary |
Ainslie Butler |
Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit |
alPHa rep |
Emma Tucker |
Halton Region Public Health |
OPHA rep |
Suzanne De Haney |
Eastern Ontario Health Unit |
Member-at-large |
Jordan Robson |
Algoma Public Health |
Past President |
Vidya Sunil |
Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District Health Unit |
Thanks to all that participated in the nomination process and a special thanks to Alanna Leffley and John Barbaro for their contributions as members of the nomination committee.

APHEO's new Strategic Plan
Published on Wednesday, 21 February, 2018
The development of the strategic plan involved a review of the past strategic plan and utilized the results from the pre-strategic planning survey. The strategic plan also took into consideration the current public health landscape and the proposed provincial initiatives in relation to health system transformation in Ontario.

2018 APHEO Executive Committee
Published on Tuesday, 20 February, 2018
Thanks to the 2017 APHEO Executive for their excellent work over the past year.
The 2018 Executive Committee are:
President | Vidya Sunil, Haliburton Kawartha Pine Ridge District Health Unit |
Vice-President | Jessica Deming, Region of Waterloo Public Health and Emergency Services |
Secretary | Erica Clark, Huron County Health Unit |
Treasurer | Stanley Ing, >Chatham-Kent Health Unit |
alPHa Representative | Emma Tucker, Halton Region Health Department |
OPHA Representative | Suzanne De Haney, Eastern Ontario Health Unit |
Member at Large | Lydia Cheng, City of Hamilton Public Health Services |
Past President | James Macintosh, City of Hamilton Public Health Services |

2017 APHEO Conference: Presentations Available
Published on Thursday, 14 December, 2017
Presentations from the 2017 APHEO Conference are now available online to members on the conference page.
Thanks to all who joined us in Guelph for another great APHEO event!
James Macintosh, Lydia Cheng, Jessica Deming, Jasmin Lau, Brenda Lee, Elaina Macintyre, Stanley Ing, Laura Zettler, Caitlyn Paget

Core Indicators Strategic Plan
Published on Monday, 5 June, 2017
The Core Indicators Project Strategic Plan is now available.

2017 APHEO Executive Committee
Published on Wednesday, 8 February, 2017
Thanks to the 2016 APHEO Executive for their hard work over the past year.
The 2017 Executive Committee are:
President | James Macintosh, Niagara Region |
Vice-President | Vidya Sunil, Haliburton Kawartha Pine Ridge District Health Unit |
Secretary | Erica Clark, Huron County Health Unit |
Treasurer | Stanley Ing, Chatham-Kent Health Unit |
alPHa Representative | Emma Tucker, Halton Region Health Department |
Member at Large | Deanna White, Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit |
OPHA Representative | Jasantha Naidoo, Durham Region Health Department |

New Membership Fees
Published on Thursday, 6 October, 2016
Dating as far back as 2006, APHEO's annual membership fees has remained the same. Starting October 6, 2016 annual fees for APHEO memberships will change from $50 to $80 for full memberships, from $25 to $50 for affiliate memberships and the annual student membership fee will remain at $25. As current members, the new prices will take effect upon your next renewal (on or before March 31st 2017).
In comparison to other similar Public Health organizations, APHEO's new annual membership fees remain very low. This increase will maintain and enhance APHEO's ongoing efforts in providing members with support, resources and engagement for good value. Specifically, this small increase will be used for (but not limited to): teleconference support, website maintenance and enhancements, and engagement events. We would like to highlight some of the benefits of being an APHEO member for your use in the justification of APHEO’s annual fee.
At the individual level:
o Interact with experts in the field of public health epidemiology in Ontario through our various forums/listservs, work groups, key events, and conferences
o Become involved and influence the direction of public health epidemiology practice, through working groups on core indicators, analysis strategies, data sources, and strategic directions
o Participate in professional development opportunities and assist in building capacity for knowledge exchange in Ontario
o Receive and disseminate notifications of job postings
o Attend and participate in APHEO’s engaging conferences and workshops at a discounted rate
o Access to teleconference lines for APHEO-related work
At the organization level:
o Benefit from comparability of health status measures through standardization of methods
o Maintain best practices and current techniques in the field of public health epidemiology
o Support a health-status evidence base at the local and provincial level
o Enable your staff to gain connections with and contribute to external boards, such as Public Health Ontario (PHO), the association of local Public Health agencies (alPHa), the Ontario Public Health Association (OPHA) and Local Health Integration Networks (LHINs), representing the public health epidemiological perspective
o Access to free job-postings for a vast and comprehensive membership list reaching all of Ontario and nationally
The release of this announcement is to provide enough time and consideration for upcoming budgetary planning. We ask that you take this information into consideration and share with those you deem appropriate. I thank you for your continued support of APHEO and I look forward to continuing our efforts in advancing and promoting the practice of epidemiology in Ontario Public Health Units.