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PHO Small Area Analysis Presentation

Environmental scan of small area analysis processes used by PHUs.

Presentation GIS Interest Group 2018 Small Area Analysis


GIS Interest Group

Annual General Meeting Minutes 27.11.2018

Minutes for APHEO Annual General Meeting November 27, 2018 from 2:00pm-3:00pm

Minutes General Meetings General Meeting Materials November 2018


Executive Committee

2018_Justin Thielman_Monitoring cannabis use and harms in Ontario Identifying potential indicators

Conference Presentation 2018


Conference / Workshop Planning Committee

2018_Katrice Carson_Hamilton Health Check

Conference Presentation 2018


Conference / Workshop Planning Committee

2018_Flora Matheson_Trevor van Ingen_Monitoring health inequities in Ontario ON Marg updates and products

Conference Presentation 2018


Conference / Workshop Planning Committee

2018_Laura Rosella_Population health analytics in action

Conference Presentation 2018


Conference / Workshop Planning Committee

2018_Maureen Dobbins_EIDM epi panel

Conference Presentation 2018


Conference / Workshop Planning Committee

2018_Erin Pichora_Workshop A Using a toolkit to measure health inequalities in Canada

Conference Presentation 2018


Conference / Workshop Planning Committee

2018_Gillian Alton_Healthy Growth Initiative

Conference Presentation 2018


Conference / Workshop Planning Committee

2018_Yanfang Guo_Racial ethnic variations in pre-pregnancy obesity and excessive gestational weight gain and their impact on fetal overgrowth in Ontario

Conference Presentation 2018


Conference / Workshop Planning Committee

2018_Ainslie Butler_A changing climate Assessing health impacts and vulnerabilities due to climate change within Simcoe Muskoka

Conference Presentation 2018


Conference / Workshop Planning Committee

2018_Amira Ali Marc Lefebvre_Strengthening a population health approach for health system planning

Conference Presentation 2018


Conference / Workshop Planning Committee

2018_Rachel Skellet_Using an Evidence-Informed Approach to Improve Chlamydia Rates

Conference Presentation 2018


Conference / Workshop Planning Committee

2018_Sinead McElhone_Data and analytics at Niagara Region Public Health

Conference Presentation 2018


Conference / Workshop Planning Committee

2018_Saamir Pasha_Indoor radon levels in Windsor-Essex County households 2016 to 2018

Conference Presentation 2018


Conference / Workshop Planning Committee

2018_Meghan O'Neill_Estimating population benefits using a risk tool

Conference Presentation 2018


Conference / Workshop Planning Committee

2018_Mahmood Gohari_Youth drinking and policy

Conference Presentation 2018


Conference / Workshop Planning Committee

2018_Jennifer Liang_Trends in calls to paramedics for suspected opioid overdoses in Toronto

Conference Presentation 2018


Conference / Workshop Planning Committee

2018_Janet Heng_Surveillance of the deaths of people experiencing homelessness in Toronto

Conference Presentation 2018


Conference / Workshop Planning Committee

2018_Crystal Palleschi_Power BI

Conference Presentation 2018


Conference / Workshop Planning Committee

2018_Alanna Leffley_Meaningful engagement Relationship building with First Nations and public health in Ontario

Conference Presentation 2018


Conference / Workshop Planning Committee

Social media working group update

Social media working group update for September 24, 2018 general meeting

General Meetings September Standing Business and Project Updates 2018


Social Media/Website Workgroup

Engagement Committee update

Engagement committee update for the September 24, 2018 general meeting

General Meetings September Standing Business and Project Updates 2018


Engagement Committee

Capacity Building in Small, Rural, Northern Health Unit working group update

Update from the Capacity Building in Small, Rural and Northern Health Unit working group for September 24, 2018 APHEO general meeting.

General Meetings September Standing Business and Project Updates 2018


Small, Rural and Northern Health Units

Secretary report

Secretary report for the September 24, 2018 general meeting

General Meetings September Executive Reports 2018


Executive Committee

Letter to Minister Jaczek re 2016 CMOH report

Letter to the Honourable Dr. Helena Jaczek, Minister of Health and Long-Term Care expressing our support for the recommendations presented in the Chief Medical Officer of Health (CMOH) 2016 Annual Report, Improving the Odds - Championing Health Equity in Ontario.

Official Correspondence 2018


Executive Committee

Letter to Minister Jaczek re Auditor general report

Letter to the Honourable Dr. Helena Jaczek, Minister of Health and Long-Term Care expressing our support for the Ministry's response to the Office of the Auditor General report.

Official Correspondence 2018


Executive Committee

Core Housing Need

Core Housing Need SDOH Core Indicator

Core Indicators CI Social Determinants of Health 2018
