APHEO Executive Committee Job Descriptions
Jump To: President | Vice President | Secretary | Treasurer | alPHa Representative
| OPHA Representative | Member-at-Large | Past President
1.0 President
i. Fulfils responsibilities as outlined in the Constitution, 6.1.iii;
ii. Chairs, or arranges for a chair for all meetings of the membership and Executive Committee and also produces and distributes agendas;
iii. Is an ex-officio member of all APHEO ad hoc and standing committees as required;
iv. Ensures that Association business is conducted in accordance with the guidelines set out by the Constitution;
v. Ensures that committees including but not limited to the APHEO Award of Excellence Nominating Committee, Conference Organizing Committee and Nominations Committee be struck;
vi. Authors correspondence on behalf of the association when appropriate including thank-you letters for Executive committee members and conference organizing committee members and the annual call for membership letter;
vii. Represents the Association to all external bodies where there is no other APHEO representative;
viii. Is the primary signing officer on all APHEO business bank accounts or other financial documents;
ix. Enters into contracts on behalf of APHEO in consultation with the Executive;
ANDx. Promotes the goals of the Association.
2.0 Vice President
i. Fulfils responsibilities as outlined in the Constitution, 6.1.iii;
ii. Undertakes duties on behalf of the Association as directed by the President;
iii. Draft letters of advocacy related to the goals and mission of APHEO for signature by the President;
iv. Maintains current electronic copies of policies and procedures, and ensures that new policies and procedures are drafted, and existing policies and procedures are reviewed regularly, as outlined in APHEO Procedure 1.0;
v. May, at the direction of the President or the Executive Committee, fulfil all of the functions of the President in his or her absence;
ANDvi. Promotes the goals of the Association.
3.0 Secretary
i. Fulfils responsibilities as outlined in the Constitution, 6.1.iii;
ii. Records or ensures the recording of minutes of APHEO Executive Committee and membership meetings in accordance with APHEO guidelines;
iii. Arranges for catering and teleconferencing for all meetings as required and operates teleconference equipment at membership meetings as required;
iv. Forwards copies of speaker's presentations for all meetings (with the exception of the annual conference) to membership at least two days prior to the meeting;
v. Ensures that audio visual equipment is made available for presenters as required on the day of the meeting;
vi. Ensures that agendas and minutes of meetings are circulated in a timely manner;
vii. Distributes the APHEO Annual Report;
viii. Completes a membership drive, which includes a letter from the President and a membership application form, for all members and prospective members of APHEO;
ix. Regularly updates a list of all paid members and reports this to the Vice-President;
x. Ensure that all job requests are posted to the website and that a back-up APHEO Executive member is in place to perform this responsibility;
ANDx. Promotes the goals of the Association.
4.0 Treasurer
i. Fulfils responsibilities as outlined in the Constitution, 6.1.iii;
ii. Maintains bank accounts and accurate financial records for the Association;
iii. Together with the President, is one of the two members of the Executive with signing authority for the Association's main bank account;
iv. Prepares a financial report reflecting the Association's fiscal position on a quarterly basis and reports this to the Executive Committee;
v. Prepares an annual financial report to the members of the Association at the first meeting of any calendar year;
vi. Collects owed membership fees from members;
ANDvii. Promotes the goals of the Association.
5.0 alPHa Representative (2-year term)
Requirement: In accordance with the alPHa constitution, the alPHa representative for APHEO must hold a management position within their local public health unit.
Assets: Experience in providing insights into provincial public health issues and working with or advising senior/executive public sector leaders and elected officials.
i. Fulfils responsibilities as outlined in the Constitution, 6.1.iii;
ii. Represents APHEO at all appropriate alPHa meetings;
iii. Attends APHEO Executive Committee meetings and reports on relevant alPHa business;
iv. Submits a brief written report at each APHEO general meeting that is appended to the minutes;
v. Consults with the Executive Committee on all alPHa issues that may affect APHEO;
vi. Forwards APHEO policy papers, annual reports, and similar documents to alPHa Board of Directors for information;
vii. Submits a report on APHEO activities to the alPHa Board of Directors as required;
viii. Prepares a submission for the APHEO annual report as required;
ix. Actively participates on alPHa committees as required;
ANDx. Promotes the goals of the Association.
6.0 OPHA Representative (2-year term)
In the event that APHEO is not a current Constituent member of OPHA, this position will be an additional Member-at-Large position. **pending constitutional change
i. Fulfils responsibilities as outlined in the Constitution, 6.1.iii;
ii. Represents APHEO at all appropriate OPHA meetings;
iii. Attends APHEO Executive Committee meetings and reports on relevant OPHA business;
iv. Submits a brief written report at each APHEO general meeting that is appended to the minutes;
v. Consults with the Executive Committee on all OPHA issues that may affect APHEO;
vi. Ensures individual OPHA memberships are allocated to APHEO President and OPHA Representative or other designates as appropriate;
vii. Promotes the goals of the Association;
viii. Forwards APHEO policy papers, annual reports, and similar documents to the OPHA Board of Directors for information;
ix. Submits a report on APHEO activities to the OPHA Board of Directors as required;
x. Prepares a submission for the APHEO annual report as required;
xi. Actively participates on OPHA committees as required;
ANDxii. Promotes the goals of the Association.
7.0 Member-at-Large
i. Fulfils responsibilities as outlined in the Constitution, 6.1.iii;
ii. Ensures that the "About” section of the APHEO website is kept up-to-date and that a back-up APHEO Executive member is in place to perform this responsibility;
iii. Functions as a member of the website committee and acts as Executive committee liaison reporting back to Executive committee following the meetings;
iv. Functions as a member APHEO Conference/Workshop Planning Committee and acts as Executive committee liaison reporting back to Exec following meetings;
v. Supports the President/Vice-president and coordinates in APHEO’s Strategic Planning process;
ANDvi. Promotes the goals of the Association.
8.0 Past President (Ex-officio)
i. Fulfils responsibilities as outlined in the Constitution, 6.1.iii;
ii. Undertakes duties on behalf of the Association as directed by the President and other members of the Executive Committee;
iii. Chairs the Nominating Committee;
iv. Ensures that the APHEO Annual/Biennial Report is crafted for the year in which they were President and distributed to MOHs, affiliate organizations, and others as deemed relevant. If there is no Past-President for the year, the President will assume this responsibility;
v. Provides guidance to the President and the rest of the Executive Committee as required;
ANDvi. Promotes the goals of the Association.
Approved by APHEO Executive Committee August 4, 1995
Revisions approved by APHEO Executive Committee, November 30 2001
Revisions approved by APHEO Executive Committee, November 4 and 19, 2004
Revisions approved by APHEO Membership, October 15, 2006
Revisions approved by APHEO Membership, September 26, 2008
Revisions approved by APHEO Executive Committee, January 24, 2018
Revisions approved by APHEO Executive Committee, September 25, 2018