Core Indicator Resources
APHEO developed the Core Indicators Project in collaboration across the field of public health to support standardized measures for population health assessment in Ontario. Core Indicators provide clear methodology to measure the complex concepts of health of individuals and communities. The following project resources include supporting documentation such as data source metadata, issue tracking, OPHS alignment, shared syntax and methodological references.
Data Sources Referenced in the Core Indicators Project
Update in Progress: We are in the process of migrating these data source pages from the old website into the new format.
*Last Reviewed refers to the last date that the resource was updated with a subgroup review. Minor changes may have occurred since this date and are documented in the "Revision History" section at the bottom of the resource page.
Known Issues and Issue Tracking System
As a crowd-sourced project with contributions from epidemiologists and public health professionals across Ontario, the Core Indicators project is strengthened by the efforts of all users and volunteers to keep all products accurate and up to date.
Issue Identification
To report an issue or make a suggestion, please use the Issue Reporting form.Issue Resolution
To review all currently open issues, as well as previously resolved issue, please go to the Core Indicators Known Issues page.
The Core Indicators Working Group (CIWG) is working on improving the mechanisms for issue reporting, and the transparency of issue handling and resolution. Stay tuned for further development on this.
OPHS Indicator Alignment and Identified Gaps (IN DEVELOPMENT)
These pages summarize how the Core Indicator Project supports the Ontario Public Health Standards (OPHS), outlining both currently available indicators as well as identified gaps with the intention of improving OPHS topic coverage over time. -
Documentation, Methodology and Syntax Resources
* "Last Date Revised" refers to the last date that the resource underwent a complete review. Minor changes may have occurred since this date and will be captured in the "Changes Made" section of each indicator along with a description of the changes made during any complete review.