Core Indicators Project Management:

Core Indicators Work Group

The Core Indicators Work Group (CIWG) is the central steering committee for the Core Indicators Project, responsible for all Core Indicators products, administration, and strategic activities
The CIWG also co-ordinates the activities of the Core Indicator Subgroups, which develop and revise the indicators, datasource and gaps relevant to their public health topic specializeation.
The current priority for the overall Core Indicators project is alignment with the modernized Ontario Public Health Standards, and migration of all Core Indicator products to the new website; this work involves all subgroups in the project.   

    Subgroup Milestones:

  • Project founded in February 1998 to address the need for measurement standardization between public health units.  
  • Originally called the Provincial Health Indicators Work Group (PHIWG).  
  • Received targeted funding in 2008-2009 from the Public Health Agency of Canada to develop indicators for chronic disease and risk factor surveillance.  


This working group has limited recruitment, as the CIWG is comprised of: the project chair(s); leads of the indicator development subgroups; and volunteers working on areas of strategic focus. 
If you are in interested in contributing to the Core Indicators project, please volunteer here

Current Members  


Meeting Minutes

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Policies and Procedures & Terms of Reference

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Core Indicators Strategic Planning Session: March 2017

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Core Indicators Strategic Directions Session: December 2008

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Core Indicators PHAC Project: July 4, 2008 - July 3, 2009

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French translation Vegetable and Fruit Consumption

French translation Vegetable and Fruit Consumption Core Indicator
Consommation de fruits et légumes

2009 Core Indicators PHAC Project 2008 2009 CI Healthy Eating Active Living Public

CI Healthy Eating Active Living

French translation Underage Alcohol Drinking

French translation Underage Alcohol Drinking Core Indicator
Consommation d'alcool chez les mineurs

2009 Core Indicators PHAC Project 2008 2009 CI Substance Use Public

CI Substance Use

French translation Ultraviolet Radiation Exposure

French translation Ultraviolet Radiation Exposure Core Indicator
Exposition aux rayons ultraviolets

2009 Core Indicators PHAC Project 2008 2009 CI Cancer Prevention Public


French translation Smoking Status

French translation Smoking Status Core Indicator
Usage du tabac

2009 Core Indicators PHAC Project 2008 2009 CI Comprehensive Tobacco Control Public


French translation Smoking Cessation

French translation Smoking Cessation Core Indicator
Abandon du tabagisme

2009 Core Indicators PHAC Project 2008 2009 CI Comprehensive Tobacco Control Public


French translation Smoke Free Homes

French translation Smoke Free Homes Core Indicator
Des maisons sans fumée

2009 Core Indicators PHAC Project 2008 2009 CI Comprehensive Tobacco Control Public


French translation Screening Mammography

French translation Screening Mammography Core Indicator
Mammographie de dépistage

2009 Core Indicators PHAC Project 2008 2009 CI Cancer Prevention Public


French translation Smoking Attributable Mortality

French translation Smoking Attributable Mortality Core Indicator
Mortalité attribuable au tabagisme (SAM)

2009 Core Indicators PHAC Project 2008 2009 CI Comprehensive Tobacco Control Public


French translation OBSP Mammography

French translation OBSP Mammography Core Indicator
PODCS Mammographie

2009 Core Indicators PHAC Project 2008 2009 CI Cancer Prevention Public


French translation Non Smoker Second Hand Smoke Exposure

French translation Non Smoker Second Hand Smoke Exposure Core Indicator
Exposition des non-fumeurs à la fumée secondaire

2009 Core Indicators PHAC Project 2008 2009 CI Comprehensive Tobacco Control Public


French translation Minor's Access to Tobacco

French translation Minor's Access to Tobacco Core Indicator
Accès des mineurs au tabac

2009 Core Indicators PHAC Project 2008 2009 CI Comprehensive Tobacco Control Public


French translation Low Risk Drinking

French translation Low Risk Drinking Core Indicator
Consommation d’alcool dépassant les directives de consommation d’alcool à faible risque

2009 Core Indicators PHAC Project 2008 2009 CI Substance Use Public

CI Substance Use

French translation Leisure-Time Physical Activity

French translation Leisure-Time Physical Activity Core Indicator
Activité physique durant les loisirs

2009 Core Indicators PHAC Project 2008 2009 CI Healthy Eating Active Living Public

CI Healthy Eating Active Living

French translation Heavy Drinking Episodes

French translation Heavy Drinking Episodes Core Indicator
Épisodes de consommation abusive d'alcool

2009 Core Indicators PHAC Project 2008 2009 CI Substance Use Public

CI Substance Use

French translation Food Insecurity

French translation Food Insecurity Core Indicator
Insécurité alimentaire

2009 Core Indicators PHAC Project 2008 2009 CI Healthy Eating Active Living Public

CI Healthy Eating Active Living

French translation Drinking and Driving Prevalence

French translation Drinking and Driving Prevalence Core Indicator
Fréquence de conduite en état d’ivresse

2009 Core Indicators PHAC Project 2008 2009 CI Substance Use Public

CI Substance Use

French translation Cost of a Nutritious Food Basket

French translation Cost of a Nutritious Food Basket Core Indicator
Coût d’un panier de provisions nutritif

2009 Core Indicators PHAC Project 2008 2009 CI Cancer Prevention Public


French translation Colorectal Cancer Screening

French translation Colorectal Cancer Screening Core Indicator
Dépistage du cancer colorectal

2009 Core Indicators PHAC Project 2008 2009 CI Cancer Prevention Public


French translation Chronic Health Problems Prevalence

French translation Chronic Health Problems Prevalence Core Indicator
Prévalence des problèmes chroniques de santé

2009 Core Indicators PHAC Project 2008 2009 CI Health Outcomes Public


French translation Chronic Disease Hospitalization

French translation Chronic Disease Hospitalization Core Indicator
Hospitalisation pour maladie chronique

2009 Core Indicators PHAC Project 2008 2009 CI Health Outcomes Public


French translation Cervical Cancer Screening

French translation Cervical Cancer Screening Core Indicator
Le dépistage du cancer du col utérin

2009 Core Indicators PHAC Project 2008 2009 CI Cancer Prevention Public


French translation Cancer Mortality

French translation Cancer Mortality Core Indicator
Mortalité liée au cancer

2009 Core Indicators PHAC Project 2008 2009 CI Health Outcomes Public


French translation Chronic Disease Mortality

French translation Chronic Disease Mortality Core Indicator
La mortalité causée par les maladies chroniques

2009 Core Indicators PHAC Project 2008 2009 CI Health Outcomes Public


French translation Cancer Incidence

French translation Cancer Incidence Core Indicator
Incidence du cancer

2009 Core Indicators PHAC Project 2008 2009 CI Cancer Prevention Public


French translation of Cancer Definition Comparison

French translation of Comparisons - Differences in Canadian Cancer Incidence/Death definitions
Comparaisons - Différences de définitions dans incidence de cancer/décès des Canadiens

2009 Core Indicators PHAC Project 2008 2009 CI Cancer Prevention Public


French translation of APHEO Modifications to Leading Causes of Death

Classification des groupes de causes principales de mortalité

2009 Core Indicators PHAC Project 2008 2009 CI Health Outcomes Public


French translation All Cause Mortality

French translation All Cause Mortality Core Indicator
Décès, toutes causes possibles

2009 Core Indicators PHAC Project 2008 2009 CI Health Outcomes Public


French translation All Cause Hospitalization

French translation All Cause Hospitalization Core Indicator
Les hospitalisations, toutes causes possibles

2009 Core Indicators PHAC Project 2008 2009 CI Substance Use Public

CI Substance Use

French translation of Adult Smoking Attributable Mortality Calculation

French translation of Adult Smoking Attributable Mortality Calculation examples
Exemples de calculs de la SAM chez les fumeurs adultes

2009 Core Indicators PHAC Project 2008 2009 CI Substance Use Public

CI Substance Use

French translation Adult BMI

French translation Adult Body Mass Index Core Indicator
Indice de masse corporelle (IMC)

2009 Core Indicators PHAC Project 2008 2009 CI Healthy Eating Active Living Public

CI Healthy Eating Active Living

French translation Adolescent BMI

French translation Adolescent Body Mass Index Core Indicator
Indice de masse corporelle chez les adolescents

2009 Core Indicators PHAC Project 2008 2009 CI Healthy Eating Active Living Public

CI Healthy Eating Active Living


General Meeting Updates

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Past CIWG Members

The Core Indicators project has been built through the dedicated efforts of epidemiologists and public health professionals across Ontario, who typically manage their Core Indicators work in addition to their normal workload.  Thank-you to all Core Indicators volunteers, past and present.  

Updated: November 30th, 2018