Core Indicators Development Subgroup:
Environmental Health
A new subgroup supporting environmental health topic areas, including updating out-of-date core indicators and prioritizing concepts for new indicator development. .
Ontario Public Health Standards Coverage
Environmental health topic areas are wide-ranging and include Drinking Water, Recreational Water and Public Beach Water as named in the Safe Water program standard; Food Premises & Food for Public Consumption, and Safe Food-Handling as named in the Food Safety program standard; Infection Prevention and Control Practices as named in the Infectious and Communicable Diseases Prevention and Control program standard; and Natural Environments, Climate Change, Exposure to Chemical Contamination, Exposure to Hazardous Environmental Contaminants and Biological Agents, Exposure to Radiation (including Radon), Extreme Weather, Indoor Air Pollutants, Outdoor Air Pollutants, and Other Emerging Environmental Exposures, as named in the Healthy Environment program standard. Note that many Environmental Health topics are relevant to infectious and communicable diseases of public health importance, which is covered by the Infectious Diseases subgroup.
- Formed in 2018.
Subgroup Milestones:
To volunteer for this subgroup, go to, click on the "Other Workgroups" tab, and click on the "Join" button beside this workgroup.
Subgroups typically meet every two months by teleconference, with indicator development activities (researching, drafting, and reviewing) taking place between meetings.
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Updated: December 12, 2018