Infant Feeding Core Indicator
- Proportion of women who intend to exclusively breastfeed per the number of women who give birth
- Proportion of infants fed breast milk only / combination breast milk and substitute / breast milk substitute at hospital or Midwifery Practice Group (MPG) per the number of live births
Method of Calculation
Intention to Exclusively Breastfeed Number of women with intention to exclusively breastfeed 100 Total number of women who gave birth (live or still) 100 |
Recommended Subset Analysis Categories
Geographic Areas of Patient Residence |
Data Sources
Numerator & Denominator | Alternative Data Sources |
Original Source: Better Outcomes Registry Network (BORN) Ontario Distributed by: Better Outcomes Registry Network (BORN) Ontario Suggested Citation: BORN Information System [years], Date Extracted: [date]. |
None |
Data Elements in the BORN Information System (BIS)
Name and Description |
Categories |
Encounter |
Intention to Breastfeed Identifies whether the mother intends to breasfeed her infant. Self-reported during pregnancy or at time of birth. |
M0047 |
Newborn Feeding from Birth to Discharge from Hospital or Birth Centre The type of feeding given to the newborn at time of discharge from hospital. |
N0044 |
QUESTION FOR THE SUBGROUP: Should this second table be listed under "Recommended Subset Analysis Categories" instead of here???
Dimension |
Categories |
Maternal Age Group |
Parity |
Newborn DOB Calendar |
Analysis Checklist
If Using the Public Health Standard Reports
- Please follow the general analysis checklist for the BORN Information System data source.
- In the Public Health Standard Reports, comparator data for Ontario or Peer Group is only available for six months prior to the date of extraction. Public Health Units are categorized into Peer Groups as per the 2011 classifications.
- For Intention to Exclusively Breastfeed:
- Select the PHU-Pregnancy report under Clinical Reports
- the dates/years of analysis
- Go to the link for 'Distribution of intention to breastfeed, by public health unit and province'
- Calculate the percentages from the standard report or export the table to Excel
- For Infant Feeding at Entry to Public Health Service:
- Select the PHU-Newborn report under Clinical Reports
- Specify the dates/years of analysis
- Go to the link for ‘Distribution of infant feeding from birth to discharge from hospital or birth centre'
- Calculate the percentages from the standard report or export the table to Excel
If Using the Public Health Cube
- Please follow the general analysis checklist for the BORN Information System data source.
- For Intention to Exclusively Breastfeed:
- Select Dimension > Pregnancy > Feeding > Intention to Breastfeed
- Select Measures > Pregnancy > # of Pregnancies – Women Who Gave Birth
- Add filters to the tables and specify by right clicking on each of the following dimensions and selecting the following categories:
- Maternal Age Group (found under Pregnancy > Maternal Characteristics) = <20, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, ≥45
- Newborn DOB Calendar (found under Newborn DOB > Newborn DOB Calendar) = Deselect 2012 (and others as appropriate for your analysis)
- Parity (found under Dimensions > Pregnancy > Pregnancy History > Parity) = Parity 1, Parity 2, Parity 3-4, Parity ≥ 5
- Calculate percentages within the Cube or export to Excel
- For Infant Feeding at Entry to Public Health Service:
- Select Dimension > Newborn > Feeding > Feeding at Hospital or MPG
- Select Measures > Birth > # of Births – Live Births
- Add filters to the tables and specify by right clicking on each of the following dimensions and selecting the following categories:
- Maternal Age Group (found under Pregnancy > Maternal Characteristics) = <20, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, ≥45
- Newborn DOB Calendar (found under Newborn DOB > Newborn DOB Calendar) = Deselect 2012 (and others as appropriate for your analysis)
- Parity (found under Dimensions > Pregnancy > Pregnancy History > Parity) = Parity 1, Parity 2, Parity 3-4, Parity ≥ 5
- Calculate percentages within the Cube or export to Excel
Dimension Choices
Data Changes over Time
Handling Missing Values and Small Cell Counts
Cited References
Acknowledgements |
Lead AuthorsKandace Ryckman, Toronto Public Health |
Core Indicators ReviewersSarah Collier, Toronto Public Health Sandy Dupuis, Niagara Region Public Heath Denis Heng, York Region Public Health Andrew Lam, Peel Public Health Adam Stevens, Brant County Health Unit Jordan Robson, Algoma Public Health Fangli Xie, Durham Public Health |
Contributing AuthorsAmira Ali, Ottawa Public Health Reproductive Health Sub-Group |
External ReviewersPaula Morrison, BORN |
Revision History

Indicator Comments
Influencing Factors and Benefits of Breastfeeding