General Meetings 2006
February 17, 2006
Topic: Pandemic Planning from the Surveillance Perspective (Facilitated by Jason Garay, Presented by Allison Stuart, Anne-Luise Winter, Mario Cordoba, and Jason Garay)
Location: 5700 Yonge St.
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May 12, 2006
Topic: Public Health Renewal (Presented by Phil Jackson, Monika Turner, and Paulina Salamo)
Location: 5700 Yonge St.
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October 15, 2006
Topic: Business meeting only
Location: Delta Armories Hotel, London, ON
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December 8, 2006
Topic 1: Disease Cluster Investigation "Legal Issues" (Presented by Monica Bienefeld)
Topic 2: Non-Infectious Disease Standard Investigation Protocol (Presented by Lewinda Knowles and Naomi Kasman)
Topic 3: The Ontario Health and Environment Information System (Presented by Eric Holowaty)
Location: 5700 Yonge St.
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General Meetings 2005
February 18, 2005
Topic: Health Intelligence Units in Ontario: Lessons Learned (Presented by Sten Ardal)
Location: 5700 Yonge St.
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June 24, 2005
Topic: Statistical Software Options (SAS Presented by Lorne Rothman, Peter Smiley and Andrea Parker; STATA Presented by Susan Bondy; and SPSS Presented by Tim Daciuk)
Location: 5700 Yonge St.
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September 25, 2005
Topic: Business meeting only
Location: NAVCanada, Cornwall, ON
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December 9, 2005
Topic: Core Competencies Initiatives (Presented by Nancy Day, Claire Betker, Ruth Sanderson, Sue Bondy, Ian Johnson, Donald Cole and Kim Bercovitz)
Location: 5700 Yonge St.
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General Meetings 2004
February 13, 2004
Topic 1: Measuring Childhood Obesity (Presented by Meizi He)
Topic 2: Update on APHEO Strategic Plan (Discussion)
Location: 5700 Yonge St.
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June 4, 2004
Topic: Panel Discussion: How can we work together to address our individual goals? (alPHa, OCCHA, OPHA, MOHLTC, ...)
Location: 5700 Yonge St.
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October 4, 2004
Topic: Business meeting only
Location: Hilton, Niagara Falls, ON
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December 3, 2004
Topic: Skills Enhancement for Health Surveillance Facilitation Workshop
Location: 5700 Yonge St.
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